Happy ’23

The number 23 has a long history of being considered a special or significant number. It has been the subject of numerous books, movies, and other works of popular culture, and has been [...]

The Color of the Season

Colors play a significant role in our daily lives and can evoke strong emotions and associations. These associations are often culturally ingrained, and certain colors are often closely [...]

The Limits of UI for UX

One of the advantages of being a professional designer for many years is that I’ve seen a lot of changes to the field over time. Some good—I haven’t had to wax a galley of phototype for a layout [...]

Creativity Lost

Where did all the typographers go? Not graphic designers with typographic skills, but people who made their living as pure typographers who were responsible for setting cold metal, hot metal, and [...]

Watch Out!

Studio 23 has taken a turn inward and created a set of watch faces for ourselves to test our design skills at a minimalist format. We chose the Amazfit Bip as a platform which is an inexpensive [...]


The map–territory relation describes the relationship between an object and a representation of that object, as in the relation between a geographical territory and a map of it. Polish-American [...]

How to Make a Computer Virus

 A beautiful infographic dissecting the nature and ramifications of Stuxnet, the first weapon made entirely out of code. This was produced for Australian TV program HungryBeast on [...]

IBM Centennial Film

A fantastic video about the first 100 years of IBM. This really gave me a new appreciation for the work they have done, are doing, and will do. I can’t wait to see what they accomplish in the [...]

How to Make a Pencil

I always wanted to visit a pencil factory and watch the process unfold. But until that happens, I can watch this video that demonstrates the process from start to finish. The best part is the [...]

One Day For Design

On April 13, 2011, AIGA brought designers and design enthusiasts together for One Day for Design—an open, global dialogue on the meaning and future of design, and on the meaning and future of [...]

The History of the Book Flickr Set

I’ve recently been spending way too much time over on the History of the Book Flickr set, a collection of some 20,000 photos of initials, ornaments, and type from Royal Library, The Hague, [...]

Pink Pony Case Study

What if an advertising company had to throw a birthday party for an 8 year old girl? John St. shows us. After working in an ad firm, I can attest that the ridiculousness is incredibly on point. [...]

NYC Timelapse

Very cool time-lapse short in New York City by Josh Owens with the soundtrack “down to the cellar” by Dredg. [via Vimeo]

New Weather WebApp

We here at Disfluency.com love a good Web app and we love the simplicity of this weather app at wthr.in. Aside from the obvious step of visiting the web page, Wthr.in is a very simple tool that [...]

Core 77 Cardboard Christmas Challenge

Some fun winners of Core77.com’s cardboard Christmas competition. Submitters were asked to created Christmas decorations using only cardboard and visitors to the Core77 site were asked to vote on [...]

Paper Artist

Woah, these are seriously awesome. Jeff Nishinaka is a Los Angeles native paper sculptor who cuts, folds and shapes paper in the least intrusive way to maintain the feel and integrity of paper in [...]

Mediocrity Campaign

Subaru has a cool advertising campaign called Mediocrity. They’ve created a fake car called the 2011 Mediocrity, complete with faux ad campaign and complete website. The video above is the [...]

A Very Studley Chest Indeed

I don’t know what possessed Henry O. Studley to build  this case to hold 300 mostly piano-making tools but I have to hand it to the man for his ingenuity and craftsmanship. Had he lived 150 years [...]

Interactive Census Map

Everyone knows that the census takes in an extraordinary amount of information about the U.S. population but, once collected, how do you display it usefully? The New York Times created a series [...]

Views of 2011 from 1931

1931 was a long time ago, and few who live today can claim to remember it all too well. Just two years after the stock market crash of 1929, 1931 claimed Herbert Hoover as the President of the [...]

Magic Carp-Pet

Australia-based designer John Leung has collaborated with Melbourne’s Clarke Hopkins Clarke Architects to create the Magic Carp-Pet rug and coffee table set. Look through the slatted coffee [...]

Linotype: The Movie

With the success of Helvetica: The Movie, and the forthcoming Herbert Matter movie, it would seem natural that someone would create a film about the rise and fall of Linotype. For those who [...]